New Start with Hugo

very brief introduction of Hugo

Posted by Henry Du on Saturday, September 5, 2020

New Start with Hugo

My previous blog was hosted by HostGator. It is a traditional LAMP server with WordPress. Since I have started to use AWS as a daily basis, maintaining a static website by using AWS S3 bucket will be a good choice. AWS provided the detailed document to show how to configure a static website using a custom domain registered with Route 53. AWS also provided the document how to host a static website.

I selected Hugo as the static site generator. Hugo is the one of popular static websites generators. Its competitor is Jekyll. I didn’t compare these two open-source generators in depth. I simply chose Hugo because it is done by Go.

Hugo maintains very detailed the installation and quick start documentation. I just put the very simple guide as follows.

Install Hugo in MacOS

brew install hugo

Generate a new site

hugo new site

I selected one theme cleanwhite

Write this post

hugo new post/

Dev stage review

hugo server -D

Generate publish site

hugo -D

The new website looks good, but I need to put more time to tweak the config.toml with the selected theme to make the website great.